U.S leverages on Asia?

U.S leverages on Asia?

       If anyone is thinking the U.S would ebb away soon as World Power, (now that Power on the Global stage is determined by viable Economies rather than the belligerence of Military), then such a person is fundamentally mistaken, as the U.S Govt is establishing an intercourse with her possible successors (the Asia-Pacific) in Trade and Commerce to avert her possible dethronement!
It’s common knowledge that the World’s Strategic and Economic centre is shifting East.
For this reason and many more, the U.S is planning for an Asian Century and her Trade Policy is following suit.
The end is to intercourse her Economy with that of Asia in what is called the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement (which is still in the offing) and the U.S-Korea Free Trade Agreement (which is already out of the incubator), so as to solidify her Economic role in Asia.
By so doing, U.S will only crash on condition that Asia crashes. For as long as Asia stands tall Economically, the U.S would share in the goodness.
Trade between U.S and the Asian -Pacific States is currently at about 13% and tends to increase as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), (which will cover services, intellectual property, investment and State-owned enterprises), becomes stronger.
Of this 13%, Japan alone accounts for about 6.6%, but is reluctant in entering into the
TPP Agreement because she has reservations about U.S wanting to become a Pacific Power from her long-term commitments to the region.
The U.S envisages the TPP Free Trade to grow in Geometric Progression, and Japan fathoms this Trade concept in same light and that it would give the U.S an upper hand.
But can Japan stop the U.S by not joining?
Can Japan survive without this Trade Agreement that many other Asia-Pacific Countries have conceded to in spite the triple disaster (of Earthquake, Tsunami and the Nuclear meltdown) which has threatened the Japanese Economy in no small stance?
Let’s keep watching how participating States would maneuver things to advantage themselves!


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