
Showing posts from 2011

Is Africa Powerful Enough?

Is Africa Powerful Enough? It’s very, very unfortunate for Africa, that her Governments cannot form an alliance, from within, to swallow up the violence that the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony has wrought on Central Africa and especially the Ugandan State for the past 30 years. I don’t care, at the moment, what the Object and Subject of the LRA is. For now all I seek is that the injuries meted on innocents be brought to an abrupt end, as quickly as possible! That the African Union cannot resist, effectively, the menace of the Lord Resistance Army to the point that the U.S Military has been deployed to suppress this militia group, is regrettably disappointing. My disappointment is not that the U.S has “intruded or intervened” (whatever is most appropriate to call it) in this matter, but that African Governments have failed to build, for themselves, a viable Security System with which to protect the continent, most important...

U.S leverages on Asia?

U.S leverages on Asia?        If anyone is thinking the U.S would ebb away soon as World Power, (now that Power on the Global stage is determined by viable Economies rather than the belligerence of Military), then such a person is fundamentally mistaken, as the U.S Govt is establishing an intercourse with her possible successors (the Asia-Pacific) in Trade and Commerce to avert her possible dethronement! It’s common knowledge that the World’s Strategic and Economic centre is shifting East. For this reason and many more, the U.S is planning for an Asian Century and her Trade Policy is following suit. The end is to intercourse her Economy with that of Asia in what is called the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement (which is still in the offing) and the U.S-Korea Free Trade Agreement (which is already out of the incubator), so as to solidify her Economic role in Asia. By so doing, U.S will only crash on condition th...


ON U.S 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS I just admire the person of Herman Cain an I will be exclusively glad he meets Obama in the final Elections. If Cain had done the wrongs he’s accused of,  it’s sad and unfortunate that he has been picked on, so let him face the music! But if this is a blackmail Americans will uncover it for a fact, trust them! And it’ll gonna die, and soon it’ll shall die. Lies cannot live long because nothing viable sustains them! But I hope this scandal does not distract the Candidates from key issues of this Presidential campaigns just because some individuals are desperate to do-away with the most suitable opponent of Obama; the person of Cain! Cain has got the Professional antecedents and track records to Preside over the recovery of the American Economy. He’ll definitely give the Republican party a better outing compared to MacCain! John MacCain was more of a consensus Candidate (than he was not), in ...

Nigerian Economy and Oil Subsidy.

Nigerian Economy and Oil Subsidy. Instead of the removal of fuel subsidy let Govt expenditure, especially on security votes, which presently stands at over 68% of the Nigerian annual budget, be cut. Let also the Sovereign Wealth Fund, a novel concept in Governance, be adopted and let local refineries, along side, be put to maximum efficiency before the removal of fuel subsidy would be justified! Otherwise hardship will cause the Nigerian populace to prostrate! And once the Humanity of a People is thus challenged, there would be flagrant disregard for State Laws and anarchy would set in. From the look of things History is about to repeat itself, and only discretion can prevent it! In was taught in Kindergarten that we count 2 before 6….but I don’t understand what’s happening to this man @51! Anyway, God Bless Nigeria! Putting the chart before the horse has always caused disasters worse than what was been prevented. Nigerians cannot affo...

Open Political Systems in Africa

Open Political Systems in Africa Other underdeveloped Countries around the world, especially Asian countries, which have attained stratoscopic levels of Economic growth, have witnessed undeniably consistent Economic development between the 1970s to date, mainwhile, the living conditions in sub-Saharan Africa flickers, (or is just trying to stand). One of the basic reasons is the fact that Credit for Africa’s Economic boom goes to its increasing open political systems. But, inspite of these open political systems, few Countries in Africa have managed to develop successful Democracies, while others have trailed behind, trying to. But the question is, can an a closed political system solve the aching challenges of the African Economy? I’m thinking it can!

I recieved news of Gaddafi’s death with mixed feelings!

I recieved news of Gaddafi’s death with mixed feelings! Gaddafi wasn’t a complete disadvantage to African politics. I consider, also, the merits! Gaddafi’s only problem was that he didn’t understand the invoilable principle of change, otherwise he is no worse than Paul Biya of Cameroon, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and a host of others in the African continent and the world at large! He is one African leader that stood tall against imperialism. He was bad but not the worst of African ruler/leader! As soon as Muammar Gaddafi seized power in Libya in 1969, at the age of 27, he launched into a perplexing and controversial career as a speech-maker that now spans more than four decades.  In scattershot diatribes that at times stretched to several hours, Gaddafi astounded audience at Libya and abroad. Famously dubbed the “mad dog of the Middle East” by Ronald Reagan, the former president of the US, Gaddafi did lit...

On Alexander Pope

A little learning is a dangerous thing.... ....drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring..... .....there shallow draughts intoxicates the Brain.... .....and drinking largely sobers us again! --Alexander Pope **Those who must Lead must have "depth" in understanding and must be schorlarly viable!