Is Africa Powerful Enough?
Is Africa Powerful Enough? It’s very, very unfortunate for Africa, that her Governments cannot form an alliance, from within, to swallow up the violence that the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony has wrought on Central Africa and especially the Ugandan State for the past 30 years. I don’t care, at the moment, what the Object and Subject of the LRA is. For now all I seek is that the injuries meted on innocents be brought to an abrupt end, as quickly as possible! That the African Union cannot resist, effectively, the menace of the Lord Resistance Army to the point that the U.S Military has been deployed to suppress this militia group, is regrettably disappointing. My disappointment is not that the U.S has “intruded or intervened” (whatever is most appropriate to call it) in this matter, but that African Governments have failed to build, for themselves, a viable Security System with which to protect the continent, most important...