THE CHANGE WE’VE ALWAYS HOPED FOR, IS NOW! A speech made in University of Port Harcourt by OJIFO RAPHAEL UNDIANDEYE, Students’ Union Government Presidential Aspirant, February 2014.

A speech made in University of Port Harcourt by OJIFO RAPHAEL UNDIANDEYE, Students’ Union Government Presidential Aspirant, February 2014.


Dear Friends,
We have reached an inflexion point; a moment in our history where our fingerprints on the ballot would determine the future of our government; a moment in which our footprints, on the sands of this university, would determine the future of national and continental leadership.

Student’s leadership is undeniably the trustee of societal leadership, and as such, ought to be given premium, not just by those out there, but by us in here. For this very reason, we must not fail to lay our hands on worthy causes which should drive our leadership. It is very clear (and history guides us accordingly) that whatever informs the leadership student’s offer today is that which will certainly drive the leadership they will offer tomorrow. If leadership at this stage of our studentship, is chosen and exercised by an inadequate value system, the impact it will create will be dangerous, not only to the individual or group of individuals that offer it, but ultimately to the society within which such leadership is practiced. If the choice of leadership is made from motives of power, material and prestige, the leadership so made, will flounder in its efforts to amass the symbol of each. These clearly aches the student-based leadership we are exposed to, today.

Consequently, if we must recover from this fever, we all must CHANGE the paradigm of the old order and select a worthy purpose upon which our leadership should rest upon, today.
I have emerged today to present to you a workable plan and a hope that will reclaim and redefine the way we ought to run students leadership, and to represent the symbol that reminds us of the ageless mantra that “we are caught in an in escapable network of mutuality and tied in a single garment of destiny. For whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” I hereby stand to serve as a custodian of a leadership that will respect you and protect the principles that are capable of making us builders of the next generation; a generation that is socially sound, economically virile and politically tranquil and stable.

We ought to be involved in students’ leadership because we are motivated by the great opportunity we find here, to contribute in transforming this segment of our society into something rich; I mean something rich in Spirit.  Something rich beyond the count of Arithmetic; something rich beyond the measurement of reason; something rich beyond the dream of imagination; something rich beyond the eloquence of words; something rich beyond what naira can buy; something rich beyond the judgement of aesthetics nor what can satisfy the belly! We mean something rich in the measure of Ethics and Values; something rich in the measure of Light; something rich in the measure of Wisdom; we mean something rich in the measure of a Righteous mind; something rich in the measure of Freedom. I hereby call on you to join us.

Everywhere today, young people are seeking absolutes as though they are unable to endure the burden of Freedom, but we shall not dare circumscribe our Freedom so that we undercut the principles upon which it rests. As political beings, we have the responsibility (through our heritage and by posterity) to enshrine, promote, catalyze and extend the democratic way of life and the freedom it implies. This is true because true freedom is never irresponsible (it never kills, steals nor destroys). Rather, it attains its meaning and true expression of purpose through the responsibilities that men assume and in their efforts to build a better society; both from common contributions and for common good. It checks our excesses and makes us our brother’s keeper; thus, making our immediate community a home of reasonable action.

Please join us on this struggle, as we steer the ship of students’ leadership in UNIPORT! Tell your friends; tell your brothers; tell your sisters; tell your brethren; tell your kinsmen; tell all of them that the change we crave for, lies within the concerted efforts and sacrifices of our minds and hands.

We can create that change we hunger for; a change of collective contributions to build that which is collectively ours. If we do it as a people called by one name, fuelled by similar passion, driven by one destiny, (students) of one class and taught by the same teachers, then our success shall not only take us to the horizon, but shall outlive our Faith. We can CHANGE the framework of this dilapidated building (called Students Union Government) into something beautiful and rich.

If we really wish to build a solid Nigeria and Africa, we must begin the CHANGE today, for there’s no better time!
The time we’ve always prayed for has come, let’s not play with it and let it slip away!
Meanwhile, we shall continue to CONSULT, CONSOLIDATE and CONFRONT to making UNIPORT a home of reasonable action.
Please just believe that we can; and we will!


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