I have watched, with particular interest, the Presidential elections going on in
the United States, and it appears history is about to repeat itself.

In the last political dispensation, Senator John McCain, representing
the Grand Old Party (GOP), made several attempts to malign the person
of the then Senator Barack Obama instead of facing, squarely, the
issues that tended to rumple the American society.
Instead of majority of Americans nodding to his criticisms, as McCain
had anticipated, they, rather, greeted it by effectively withdrawing
their support from him, thus, giving Obama a greater chance of
victory, which eventually became the case.

From current events, it appears, history will be replicated in a larger
scale as the parliamentarians of the GOP are, in the bid to discredit
the Obama administration in what they regard as a failure to create
employment for Americans, believed to be playing politics with
available jobs, by making it artificially unavailable.

Now, it is speculated in various quarters that legislators of the
Republican Party are "stooges of major American corporations" which do not
appreciate the Obama administration in significant, but arbitrary
stance. They, for this reason, and many others, tend to use any
weapon at their disposal, even if it means putting the welfare of the people in jeopardy,
to discredit the Democratic Party presidential Candidate, in order to
take it down.This is actually unnecessary, and not a good way of winning elections, and the Republicans must know this.

It's on record that Mitch McConnel, the Minority Leader of the United
States Senate ,said in October 2010, that "the single most important
thing we want to achieve is President Obama to be a one-term
President". It is also on statistical record, that approximately 13million
unemployed Americans are in desperate search of gainful employment.
Statistics also shows that tens of millions of hardworking Americans
are holding to their jobs by thread-thin margins.
It is also reliably reported, too, that  in the present
administration, corporations in America have made record-breaking
profit to the tune of $1.6trillion and yet have made breathtakenly bad
decisions, by not employing more manpower to ease the unemployment
challenges of the society, to which they, also, are effective

The questions I have raised are thus;
 Is it that corporations practice more of high-tech-type of production which demands
specialized skills, thus, creating few jobs (as is expected of their contribution to
aggregate employment), or is it that Wall
Street is deliberately creating a bottle-neck in the labour market,
thus, preventing prosperity from trickling down to the middle class,
all in the plan to discredit the Obama administration?

Is it that the GOP legistlators are insidiously creating an illusion
of the non-availability of jobs, thus, painting a portriat depicting
the FG's failure to create jobs so as to fulfill Mitch Connel's
self-fulfilling prophesy?

If that is the case, it will interest the frontliners of the American
opposition that until corporations pitch her tents with the American
people by practicing a production model that absorbs a large number of
American working class that posses moderate skills, hence, providing
them with stable jobs and benefits, (as it is only by this that the
middle class will take shape and grow), the political strength of their
politican frame will wane like a solid object acted upon by the force
of gravity. This is a correct prediction because power in a democratic
setting belongs to the people, and once they are exasperated about a
group of people, such will expend tremendous time and resource capital
to win back their trust, so as to remain politically relevant.

Additionally, the political gladiators of the Republican Party (ie the
Grand Old Party), on the one hand, are expected to know that anyone
who bottle-necks jobs is sabotaging his country, and for this reason,
not fit to govern it. On the other hand, if the Democratic presidency
of Barack Obama has failed to provide jobs for the over 13million
job-seeking Americans, then it is advisable for the American populace
to shun the "obama charm", enclosed in oration and speeches, and once
again, test a Republican hand in the governance of their country.

I want to be very particular on one issue; no man can make progress in
his own endeavours when his feet is on his neighbour's neck, thus, propaganda is, obviously, an effective way of digging one's grave; as it has a
way of firing-back. Hence, the Republicans should be reminded that they
are  not running the Presidential elections against the American
people but against the Democratic Party  represented by Mr Barack
Obama, and must not play a Russian Roulette, which would hamper their
chance of clinching the American Presidency. This is a practice that can configure
a human society into one of "relative tranquility".

Therefore, dear Republicans take caution!


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