A CRITIQUE ON PLATO’S POLITICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY Plato (428-348 BC) was an ancient Greek Philosopher whose interest spans through Metaphysics, Epistemology, Politics, Ethics, and Dialectics in his search for ultimate reality. He is known in several quarters to be a student of Socrates (470-399 BC) and an older contemporary and teacher of Aristotle(384-322 BC). In spite of his relation with ancient Philosophers, his individualism coloured his assertions in a variety of fields on peculiar grounds. While Socrates had little or no written materials to support his claims, Plato has got some extant publications. And while Aristotle wrote more materials than Plato, his paradigm was more of realistic, scientific, this-worldly, and pragmatic; Plato’s was idealistic, inspiring, other-worldly and perfectionist. It is, therefore from these paradigms I’ll make my critique. First and foremost, the absoluteness of any theory makes the grounds upon which it is examined, questionabl...